



Exalead Customer Stories: Eovi Mcd mutuelle

When French complementary insurance provider Eovi Mcd mutuelle wanted to improve the responsiveness and efficiency of its customer service agents, it called upon the innovative customer [...]

Delmia Customer Stories: CenterLine (Windsor) Limited

Industrial Equipment Case Study CenterLine (Windsor) Limited needed to improve its robotics manufacturing processes methodology by implementing standard, collaborative single-source-of-truth [...]

Enovia Customer Stories: Cofely Ineo

A collaborative solution for efficient infrastructures Cofely Ineo, GDF Suez Group, needed to develop a new high-performance tool for managing and routing cables as an innovative way to optimize [...]

Enovia Customer Stories: Eaton

Eaton created a global virtual design center with the 3DEXPERIENCE platform and ENOVIA for global engineering design. Eaton’s growth through acquisition created a need to manage processes across [...]

Enovia Customer Stories: SHoP Architects

SHoP Architects – Architecture, Engineering & Construction Case Study SHoP Architects, a New York-based architectural firm, needed to manage the various disciplines participating in a [...]

Catia Customer Stories: Maschio Gaspardo

Founded in 1964, Maschio Gaspardo specializes in the production of agricultural machinery. Employees at Maschio Gaspardo’s globally distributed subsidiaries needed access to centralized product [...]

Catia Customer Stories: Oracle Team USA

Oracle Team USA Case Study Oracle Team USA needed to design, test and build a foiling catamaran based on entirely new, design specifications in less than three years to defend its title in the [...]

Catia Customer Stories: SHoP Architects

SHoP Architects – Architecture, Engineering & Construction Case Study SHoP Architects, a New York-based architectural firm, needed to manage the various disciplines participating in a [...]